上禮拜,小阿姨和姨丈帶我們去2個火車博物館LA Live Steamers Railroad Museum和Travel Town Museum
兩個博物館都離LA Zoo 不遠, 大概10分鐘車程.當天人潮不多, 大家都擠到動物園了. 最棒的莫過於兩個地方都免門票,免停車.
LA Live Steamers Railroad Museum 是1956年成立的非營利機構. 說是免門票, 但是接受捐款. 想想如果沒有捐款3元, 就沒有這麼棒的火車設施讓大家享用. 所以我們還是有付. 比起來其實很便宜. 當初我們去Day Out with Thomas, 一張票是$18呢!
這裡的工作人員應該都是義工.跟當初在Day Out with Thomas那裏看到的人員都一樣是上年紀的阿公級. 我已經可以想像Sam以後在這裡打發他的退休生活.
今天來這主要目的就是騎火車. 這個蒸氣火車真的會冒煙喔!造景有橋有山洞還有平交道號誌燈. 樣樣逼真. 但只有星期日才可以騎火車!
我們一加三口坐最後面, Kim太小不能上去, 只好在旁邊看.
他們也很重視安全, 出發前有講解並一再叮嚀腳要放在踏板裡, 而且工作人員一位開火車, 一位坐後面監督.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/19/2011 16:34:00]有耶....但是還沒好
要去你部落格好好找靈感, 多po點食譜啦!
I bet Sam just had a blast at both places !! It's funny how he might want to spend his retired life there ! Fun and you're surrounded with excited kids ! Kim is so cute in that video, at first she was all curious and smiley, and then her face changed like she was confused or worried !
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/01/2011 00:43:37]Sam loved those places so much! I have never seem any kid has an obsession with trains like that. Easy for us to pick out presents. But to other relatives, it's hard to choose a present for him, they don't know which train toy he DOESN'T have.
Kim is a kid that enjoys her life and everything around her. We love to see her smile, too sweet~